【小手返と変化技038】~ 肘に力を集める ~ /大東流合気柔術大和会
【Kotegaeshi and changed techniques 038】 ~ Concentrating the force on the elbow ~/ Daitouryu Aikijujutsu YAMATOKAI
この小手返では、肘に力を集めることを学んでください。 相手の正面打に対して、後ろに下がりながら、右手でそれを受け流します。 次に、左手で相手の右手親指を取り、自分の右手を添えて、小手を返します。 この時、相手の手首だけを攻めるのではなく、相手の肘に力が集中するようにしてください。 そうすることで、より効果的に技を施すことができます。
This KATA “Kotegaeshi” teaches how to concentrate your force on an oppenent’s elbow. Against the opponent’s “Shomen-uchi” attack by his right hand, you ward off the attack by stepping backward. After this movement, you catch his right thumb by your left hand and you attach your right palm on the back of his right hand and then you push his right hand down “Kotegaeshi”. In this movement, you have to concentrate your force goes to his elbow through his wrist. By doing this, you will be able to apply the technique more effectively.
これは、大東流合気柔術大和会の動画です。 大和会では、柔術をベースとした合気技法を伝承しています。 力をぶつけず、体の仕組みや生理反応を利用した合理的な技。 ご興味ある方は、ぜひ一緒に稽古しましょう。
This is the movie of Daitouryu Aikijuujutsu “Yamatokai”. Our aiki techniques are based on jujutsu. This practice is about utilizing the mechanism of the body and physiological reaction, without relying on power. If you are interested, let’s practice together.
【WEB site】https://www.daitouryu-jujutsu.com
形から学ぶことは非常にたくさんあります。 まずはひとつひとつ意識しながら稽古します。動きや感覚に慣れてくれば、それを無意識に動くまで練り込んでいくことが大切です。 さらに、形から学んだ技法を応用変化させて、様々な技法を身に付けてください。
《The basic “KATA” and applied change technique》
There are many techniques to learn from the basic practice of “KATA”. The first essential teaching is to practice while staying conscious of each movement, and once you are accustomed to these movements and sensations, it is important to practice them until you move through these movements in a flow, unconsciously. What’s more, through this practice you will acquire confidence, and learn to apply and change the techniques learned from the basic “KATA” to acquire a variety of techniques and more advanced skills.